Are you thinking about becoming a delivery driver or worried if you have the right insurance cover? Continue reading to find out who will have to pay in an accident while you're delivery driving and … [Read more...]
What is Full Coverage Car Insurance?
Your vehicle is one of your most expensive assets. Besides, if you make a mistake while driving and cause an accident, you could cause expensive injuries or property damage. For this reason, … [Read more...]
Driving Without Insurance – Who Pays?
The goal of uninsured motorist coverage is to protect insured drivers from other drivers on the road who do not have insurance. Uninsured motorist coverage (UM coverage) can be broken down into two … [Read more...]
Replacing or Repairing Your Cracked Windshield
Arizona is in the running for cracked windshield capital of the world, so it's probably only a matter of time before you have to deal with a windshield replacement or repair. What will that cost, and … [Read more...]
Car Insurance Rating Factors – Part Two
Last month we talked about five factors you might not realize impact your car insurance rates. For most of those factors, there's nothing you can change to lower your rates. But there are other steps … [Read more...]